The bright field of Culinology is growing at an exponential rate. With technology being at the forefront of modern world thought and food being not only a necessity but a universal comfort, it is clear why the amalgamation of the two is being met with much success and praise. I have done research, exploring various blogs on the topic of food technology and have found two to be particularly intriguing. One, by David Ponce, is entitled "
Restaurant Sells printed Food." It is an introduction to Chef Homaro Cantu's Inkjet printer which he fills with fruit and vegetable "ink." He then inserts edible paper upon which his menu is printed. The second, "
Moto (Chicago) - Lab Rats," is a thorough review of a restaurant, WD-50, which is known for its culinoligical leanings. It presents the question of whether or not technologically altered food is a actually an improvement to the culinary arts. I have addressed both topics and offered my opinions as comments within the blogs.
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